Cades Cove Decoration Day

Cades Cove Decoration Day

We want to thank everyone who came yesterday to help place flags on the veterans graves in Cades Cove. We also had a special service for Luke Lawson who had been killed in action in 1918 during WWI. It was very moving. Not sure if he had such a service since he was...
VHSF President Volunteer at Cades Cove

VHSF President Volunteer at Cades Cove

From Cades Cove Forever Facebook Group: “We want to thank each of the people who came to help put flags on the graves of my ancestors who are Veterans. Their help was greatly appreciated.” Participants: Larry & Terrie Feemster; Stan & Deb Bales; Jody Burns;...
2nd Annual Veterans Ridge Run

2nd Annual Veterans Ridge Run

We had a great Ridge Run this year! Our registration numbers were triple those of last year and thanks to some great sponsors, we were able to host several JROTC teams who made quite a competition out of the run! Congratulations to Fulton HS JROTC for taking first...