From Cades Cove Forever Facebook Group:
“We want to thank each of the people who came to help put flags on the graves of my ancestors who are Veterans. Their help was greatly appreciated.”
Participants: Larry & Terrie Feemster; Stan & Deb Bales; Jody Burns; Eli Burn; Barbara Scott Priddy & James; Jeff (Army – Desert Storm Veteran) & Lara Luebbe; Ned (Army -Viet Nam Veteran) & Jean Cates; Jean & Al Dauernhiem; Penny & Dewyane and their daughter, McKenzie, Squires; Ben & Becky Peterman: Hannah & Eric Smith. Stephen Clabo & wife; Judy Banks (From England); Marilyn Childress,(US Navy and President of Veterans Heritage Site Foundation ( A special thanks to Colonel Steve Holbert from the Pigeon Forge Honor Guard for presenting TAPS for us.